Premium Canvas Wraps
From $75.00
Give your images the fine art treatment with our premium canvas printing in Perth. Our archival U.V. lacquered canvas can be produced from digital files and even old negatives and slides. It’s easy to make the jump from treasured photograph to remarkable artwork.
Canvas frame size
Select your format
8 x 10
8 x 12
10 x 20
10 x 30
11 x 14
12 x 16
12 x 18
12 x 24
12 x 36
16 x 20
16 x 24
16 x 32
16 x 48
18 x 36
20 x 24
20 x 30
20 x 40
20 x 60
24 x 30
24 x 36
24 x 72
30 x 40
30 x 45
36 x 72
40 x 60
60 x 100
Select your format
8 x 10
8 x 12
11 x 14
12 x 16
12 x 18
16 x 20
10 x 20
20 x 24
12 x 24
16 x 24
20 x 30
24 x 30
10 x 30
16 x 32
24 x 36
18 x 36
30 x 40
20 x 40
30 x 45
16 x 48
40 x 60
24 x 72
36 x 72
60 x 100
Select your format
8 x 8
10 x 10
12 x 12
16 x 16
20 x 20
24 x 24
30 x 30
40 x 40
56 x 56
Customize Your Project
Profile (Shadow Box) Frames
+ $0.00
Wrap Edges
Image Enhancement
+ $0.00
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